Photo by Mary Lynch
Photo by Mary Lynch


“You know what I like most about people? Pets.
” Jarod Kintz

“Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.” Anatole France

Furry Friends. I’ve had a few, how about you? Our family currently includes 1 dog, 1 bunny and two cats. In no particular order. OK, the cats insist they are first.  Today’s prompt may have you feeling nostalgic, or teary eyed, or both.

Prompt 3:

The pet I’ll never forget…

Although we love all the pets that come into our lives, focus on writing about the one that comes to your mind first. 


1. Write about the pets you’ve had over the years and their significance in your life.

2. Random Pet memories, just allow your mind to remember the sweetest, silliest most memorable moments, characteristics, and experiences you’ve shared with fur friends.

3. Choose one of your fur friends and make a special memory acrostic poem or list with their name.


Take the prompt as it leads. Trust, and enjoy the process.



This post is part of a series:

To find out more or see all posts for The 21 Days of Journaling in June  Click HERE

Also, I will be serving up alternative prompts and thoughts once a day on the Facebook page!


7 responses to “Furry Friends (Prompt 3)”

  1. annb48 Avatar

    I already know that I will write about my dear, sweet Presley. I miss him, but I know that we had to return him to the shelter. Now that he’s been re-adopted, I miss him even more. He was a part of our lives for only six short months, but circumstances were such that we had to return him; he didn’t like men & the men in my life (sons-in-law, grandsons, even my husband at times) and he was not to be trusted around them. With the youngest grandson being only 9 months old & beginning to walk we couldn’t chance what Presley might do to him. But I miss him so; he was truly “my” dog; a loyalty that was so strong it melts my heart. A loyalty I wish I could emulate when it comes to my devotion to the Lord (without the biting – 🙂 )


    1. enthusiasticallydawn Avatar

      Oh, I hope your writing helps to process and also glean spiritual insight. My hub had two dogs when we got married and one snapped at Katherine…it was goodbye to them. NOT an easy decision , she was little (same thing as your situation). Our dog now still growls at my hub when he jisses me goodby and goodnight. BUt with tail wagging. I agree about the loyalty , ther eare none so loyal as animals, especially canine.


  2. I Carried a Watermelon Avatar

    I just checked out the prompts. I’ll be joining in once this week is over. Friday is the last day of school for me then the freedom of summer looms large!


    1. enthusiasticallydawn Avatar

      Dearest Stacy, I thought of you with this prompt today! I just did not want to pressure you. Would love for you to take part any way you feel like. No pressure, no worries. Just some “me time” for you and your journal. Net me, meaning me BUT you as in YOU time…for you. lol You know what I mean.


  3. shortybear Avatar

    I am so loving these prompts.


    1. enthusiasticallydawn Avatar

      I’m really glad, Denise!


I’m Dawn

Welcome to my corner of the internet dedicated to journaling for discovery and delight, planning with purpose, and finding joy in the midst of incomprehensible loss. Here, I invite you to join me in exploring the surprising places a pen, open notebook, curious mind and truth-loving heart can lead.

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